Porsche 911 997 GT2 RS hardcover brochure VIP package - 2010

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Porsche 911 997 GT2 RS Hardcover Brochure VIP Package - 2010


You can recognize special Porsche brochures by the special box that surrounds them. Then you know that the leaflet is not actually intended for everyone. Porsche makes that small difference to approach potential buyers or give them that little push to sign the purchase contract. It's a treat. Because if you get mail from a globally very popular brand, it must be something special or special, right?

The same applies to this brochure. You'll see a cover in a shiny carbon look with the famous GT2 RS logo printed on it. Remove the magnet and you will see the brochure of the limited Porsche. But that's not all. Underneath the brochure is a carbon plate with the GT2 RS logo and a piece of tyre rubber. The included description indicates what you can do with it. You have to slide them together so that you can put the logo on your desk. Fantastic, isn't it?


Hardcover book, landscape format in DIN A4, WSLC 1001000310 DE/WW

Version: 01/2010

Germany - German

40 pages

21 x 29.6 cm

Specification Description
Weight 1,1 Kg
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